
An update on COVID-19

Sunday, March 22, 2020 by Amber Wright | Uncategorized

Wow! What a challenging time for us all as we navigate the information being provided to us regarding the Coronavirus. 

It would appear that the Victorian Government is planning to shut down all non-essential services, which we believe we will fall under. We are currently working with our teachers to arrange and prepare for online learning opportunities for our students, as we are preparing that we may need to run online lessons for a few weeks in term 2 as well.

Whilst this is incredibly disappointing for us, after months of preparing our studio for lessons and the excitement of having students start with us this term, we are hopeful that we can continue to provide our lessons via webcam.

We are having a staff meeting tomorrow evening to discuss our plans and will be providing an update as soon as we have finalised them.

We wish all families good health at this time, and as always are more than happy to discuss our program at any time, please don't hesitate to contact either Amber or Geoff.

More updates to come.

Kindest Regards,
Amber and Geoff Wright